Friday 29 June 2012

Birthday Shout to Fatihah

Semoga Allah memberkati (:

And also June babies.

Feeda Yunos (25)

Si katik, si serama. Okay minah ni, amat laaa mengada dan kelakar. Sempoi. Happy belated laa, since aku post ni after birthday kau. Semoga cepat tinggi macam kau wish kat aku. Hee. Aku suka gaduh ngan dia. Amat seronok. Haha. Harap dapat jumpa.

Maya Jubri (27)

Maya ni. Manja kot. Hee. Birthday dia memang susah laa tak ingat sebab dia 27 aku 28. Hee. Maya ni baik orangnya. Kalau haritu time cerita pasal sambung study. Maya amat memahami. And sory I curi gambar ni. Comel laa Maya pakai shawl.

Okay, tiga serangkai baby ni memang takleh lupa. Birthday dekat kot. So. June Babies, sorry I curi gamba you all. Hee. All the best, insyaAllah.


Thursday 28 June 2012

Imma big girl

Assalamualaikum and hello (:

Hey there. 28th June. and so I'm all grown up. I could do illegal things I used to do before legally now (:

Thanks to my family who wished. Thanks my friends who remember and gave me a birthday shout and wishes. Thanks who called last night eventho I am sleeping already. Sorry okay? I sleep early sometimes. Hee. And Najwa is so sweet, she uploaded a picture for me. Hee. Picture of her holding birthday wishes for me. It's kinda insulting, the wishes were, but still so sweet. Thankyou babe for the effort (: And Nadhir too, thanks dude. Absolutely appreciate it. Both INTI student are so sweet to me during my birthday. Hee.

Guys, this is so sweet okay?

Najwa, so sweet. I appreciate this. A lot okay?

 And Nadhir also, so sweet. Both INTI students, so cute (:

Who texted me, called me, Whatsapp me, Tweet me, post me on FB. Thanks a lot. Love you guys. Hee.

I wanna mention those who wished me, but I am such a lazy girl to actually type all of the names. Thanks okay? Hee. Oh yeah. Who wished for my belated. Thankyou okay. I also appreciate it.

Ouh, I got that perfume that I wanted from KakTeh, thankyou baby :*

And Lutfi also, thanks for that vanilla body lotion and watch. And Syer, that bag. Of course! I'll treasure it as well as the shawl. Hee.

My family, my besties, my friends. 


Allah, thanks for this another year. Thankyou (:

And really, it is not my day actually, thanks to Ibu who struggled to give birth to me. Thanks to my parents. Al fatihah.

Being another year older is the other way of saying " Hey, why not repent? Death is near. And it's something real"

Love, RaudhahAbdullah.Eighteen, who can smoke publicly and legally now. Jyeahh.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hari yang sibuk.

Assalamualaikum (:

Hari Sabtu haritu. Letih tau. 

Pergi Pekan. Shopping tudung and baju (:

Pergi wedding akak Syera

Rindu budak kecik ni. Hee. Haritu agak awkward since aku sorang je. Tapi terjumpa family Hilda kat situ. Huu. But all the best for her (: Semoga berbahagia di Taylor's. Budak ni pemalu sikit macam I laa. Hee.

Jumpa Lutfi. Tengok Brave 3D. Then berjalan kaki dari ECM pergi Tutti Frutti. Then makan kat Satay Zul. Lutfi and my sisters. He's paying. Wee. Then hantar Lutfi balik ECM balik.

Well, si self-obsessed ni agak mengada ngada. But, once you get to know him. He is one fine man. But, kena kenal amat mendalam laa kalau nak jumpa baik dia tu. HAHA. Amat pemurah orangnya. HAHA. Thankyou belanja. Lalala.

Abang Pideh balik umah. Duduk rehat rehat. Well, sebenarnya Abang Pideh balik sebab Kak Shidah nak mempergunakan dia. Jahat kann? HUHU. Gambar family tunggu raya laa, boleh pakai lawa lawa, Hihi

Keluar dengan family pergi ECM. 

In a nutshell, very tiring (:

And hari tu, budak matriks gambang text aku. Rindu si Madi ni. Hee. Bergossip.

Si Madi ni kalau bergosip macam Joyah. Hee. Rindu Minah ni. Aku suka gambar dia ngan Jidin ni. Nampak sweet, sebab Madi senyum baik je. Tade buat muka bengong dia. Haihh. Ouh, rindu si Jidin jugak.

  And Syera bagi aku hadiahhh *lompat riang*

Dia bagi beg dia jahit sendiri tu kat aku and shawl yang aku pakai tu. Wee. Thanks. Love it :*
Well, aku budak tudung bawal sebenarnya, tapi boleh laa. Shawl ni comel lagi pun. Terima kasih. Ilebiuu. Hihi.

Ouh, semalam saya keluar dengan Aliah. Teman Mak Re pegi Ariani. Bosan menanti Kak Teh, Kak Shidah, and Mak Re membeli tudung. Brr. Nasib baik Aliah ada. Tak boleh belaa aku pakai baju batch. Mana tau nak gi bandar. Semangat sekolah aku ni. Hmm. Yang pasti semalam belajar parking. Letih. Berketul lengan aku ni haaaa. Lagi besar dari biasa. Cisss.

Comel kan? Dia ada lesing pipit, Hee.
Tu je, #ThankYouBaca. Hee

Friday 22 June 2012

Kelas memandu

Salam and hi semua~~ Okay, semalam kan? Aku first time belajar drive. Huhu. Aku amat seronok HAHA.

Okay, aku siap lesen L aku tahun lepas tau. Bulan 12. Hee. Tapi sebab PLKN, aku tangguh nak ambil P. So baru sambung balik. Berapa bulan tu? 5 bulan gitu kan? So, yeahh, L mati. Melayang RM30 nak hidupkan balik And so, semalam amat seronok. HAHA. Belajar dengan Abang Zali. Dia lawak and sempoi.

" Nama abang, Zed. Zed Zaidi tauu. Apa nama abang? "
"Zed..........zaidiiii....." , jawab aku dengan malas.

Antara komen dia

" Kau jangan buat kering sangat boleh tak?"
"Kering apa bang? Tak paham?"
" Muka tu, tade feeling. Hati kering je kau tekan minyak ae? Kau pikir ni Litar Sepang? "

Dan juga:

" Harini kita belajar basic bawak kereta ya Raudhah, bukan belajar drift"

Dan juga:

" Mak aiii, semput aku naik kereta dengan kau. Jangan tekan minyak selalu laa"

So maybe aku bawak sedikit laju. Well, sikit je. And, mati enjin pun ada la jugak bape kali. And, aku hampir langgar orang yang sama tiga kali. But still, aku pemandu yang berhemah.

Doakan kejayaan aku. Aku nak Range Rover sebijik. HAHA


Assalamualaikum. Hee. Ini gambar classmate saya.

Dua tahun sekelas. Bergaduh. Bergurau. Berkongsi. Bersama.
Aku rindu, betul. Rindu. Teman semeja, Yunie and Pikah. Bila pusing meja belakang. Az, Lelaa, Dayah.
Rindu Mal, Syazwan, Aiman. Cliche, tapi betul rindu.
Belajar dengan Nadzirah, gosip dengan Fatin Iz.
Bercerita dengan Iman and Anati. 
Emi, Jidin, Lah (:
Safwan, Aben, Daniel, Jan, Adhwa
Zahid and Amin
Yup, takkan lupa Alang kan?

Yeah, we might not be the smartest, the kindest ones. But we have this one memory we treasure. Or at least, I treasure it. I hope every one of them, would succeed, not only in this temporary life, but till Jannah. 

Dulu aku agak annoyed bila sesetengah panggil aku wonderpet la, powerpuff girls laa, apa laa. Tapi, yang annoying tu agak melekat kat otak. Rindu woo. Bila sedih je, nangis kat Yunie dulu. Hee. Ada problem je, Dayah, Nad, Pikah, Diva dengar. Ohh, Mal, Syazwan ngan Aiman mesti dengar jugak. Hee. Terima kasih semua orang yang ada dalam kelas ni. Kalau sorang je tade, memang rasa lain. Tak tipu, sebab aku suka tengok orang.Dan , orang kelas ni ramai yang pandai jaga kawan. Hargai kawan.

Wahai kelas yang buruk, aku rindu kau. 
Wahai rakan sekelas. Mohon jangan lupa aku, Nak lupa jugak? Takpe la. Tak kisah (:

Bismillah and with loves,

Wednesday 13 June 2012

My Rant

Assalamualaikum, hey. Raudhah's here. Seems like Yan would update a while later after her laptop in a tip top condition. I wanna rant. Since this is my blog, lemme just write what I want. Uuuups, This is Yan's blog too. Hihi.

First RANT : My unproductive life

Well, it seems my recent life isn't as productive as I want it to be. Hmm, okay, I'm grateful I'm still alive but yeahh, I mean. I should do something productive, like... like... hem, hem I dunno?

I just have to stop



Lemme get this straight. I'm distracted. I'm addicted. HAHA. I am one lazy person and when I start to tweet, I kinda get lazier. Boohooo, so unfair to blame the twitter, It's me who seems to not know how to manage my time well enough. And I keep eating nowadays without any exercise. Now that's one very unhealthy lifestyle. I should change that. I really should. I got eyebags. I wanna sleep early and wake up early and feel fresh.

Second RANT : My future

As you all know, I only got six As in SPM and yeahh. That UPU thingy, we're over you know? I've been dumped big time, HAHA. Meaning? I didn't get anywhere. And yup for matrix, I didn't get that one either. Even after the 'rayuan' , I've been given no mercy. So, yeahh. I decided to go to Egypt for medic. This year, 4 September. Self-sponsored. Since I've been rejected, I felt like a major loser. So, I hope this is the best for me. I planned, but Allah planned the best. That's why I didn't get that UPU and Matrix. And yeahh. that Form Six, I got science course, but at Rompin and I missed the registration date.  Pray for me please? I hope for the best and this the least that I could get.

Third RANT : My family

Hee. I am annoying towards my siblings. But I do love them. Do you guys love the annoying me? *glittering eyes with innocent face* Hihi. I don't have 'kampung' you know? So this year we might end up to go to Temerloh during Raya. Hee. And recently I went to Bali with Ateh. Hiii. RF. I love you. Hikhik. And I hope my family would be blessed dunya akhirat. Aminnn.

Fourth RANT : My friends

I miss you all. I hope we all could meet up, and talk, and laugh, and do crazy stuff, and eat, and cry, and hug, and treasure each other.

Fifth RANT : My crush

Oh, I got a crush and my crush is you *pointing at crush* 

Fifth RANT : Myself

I wanna be an annoying and a better me.

p/s: Yan, when are you gonna update?
pp/s: I'll write about the Bali trip if I have the mood.